Monday, January 3, 2022

Julie Rivera of Coaching with Julz to be Featured on Close Up Radio

DALLAS, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, January 3, 2022 / -- You are not just your job. You are not just a spouse. What you do is not what identifies you. We must stop hiding behind our roles and step into our source of power.

Julie Rivera is a mind and body integration coach and the founder of Coaching with Julz, where she works with women who have overidentified with the roles in their life. Julie helps her clients flip the script from negative mindset to one of empowerment.

“So many people lack a sense of awareness,” says Julie. “They believe life happens to them. We must all strive to remember that we only have one life to generate peace and happiness.”

Julie has always been motivated to understand what drives thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Julie has a Masters degree in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling specializing in Trauma and Crisis and spent time working in a clinic under supervision.

According to Julie, happiness is not external; it comes from within. To move beyond the identities that we have built for ourselves, we must find the core of who we are.

“Coaching is about habit change,” says Julie. “When you work with a coach, you're in control. We just facilitate and show you the blind spots. Let me put a mirror up and show you what I see from an outside perspective to help you get back into who you are.”

Julie was once just like her clients.

“I lived a life that was not mine for many years. I hid behind the roles I played. I was a wife. I was my job,” recalls Julie. “Through coaching, I became happy with what was inside, not what was around me. I reconnected with who I was, what I believed and what was important to me.”

As a woman in her 40s who has found happiness, Julie wants to share her message with others.

“I'm just a regular person who decided to take a risk and live life for myself,” says Julie. “You show up better for everybody when you've poured into yourself. I teach my clients how to pour into themselves and not feel guilty about it.”

Close Up Radio will feature Julie Rivera an interview with Jim Masters on January 5th at 12pm EST

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

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